cosmic codes

Your Cosmic Codes are written the moment you are born into this world.

The planets, stars and asteroids of our solar system are always shifting placement in relation to the Earth as they orbit the sun. All of these cosmic light forms hold information within them.

The moment you are born, you are imprinted with the information encoded within these celestial neutrino streams as they pass through the Earth. This is why your unique combination of Cosmic Codes is determined by the time and geographical location of your birth.

The unique energetic signature of these celestial bodies are what hold the keys to our Cosmic Codes.

But your codes go far beyond your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs in Astrology, your Profile, Type, Strategy and Authority in Human Design, or your Life’s Work in your Gene Keys. 

When we look at how these systems work together as a whole, we are able to see the bigger picture of who you are, your purpose and role, and the lessons you came here to learn in this lifetime. 

It’s through the synthesis of these complex systems that we are able to know who you truly came here to be and what you are here to experience in this lifetime. These are your Cosmic Codes.

Cosmic Codes aren’t just another system to live by.

Your Astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys charts are like the mirrors that reflect your authentic self back to you. It can be incredibly liberating to see yourself in the truth of who you are. Not to mention, life tends to become a lot more fun when you remember the magic of who you have always truly been! 



And while we all have Cosmic Codes written within us, we also have free will. Which ultimately means these codes are really just potentialities unless we put them into practice. And so the first step to really harnessing the gifts encoded within our unique cosmic blueprint is to learn what they are. From there we can more deeply understand the aspects of ourselves that are truly authentic versus those we have picked up through conditioning as we live our lives. The only way to truly know who you are is to also know who you are not.


Are you ready to learn your codes?




Join me for an enlightening and empowering reading of the foundational Cosmic Codes written in your Astrology and Human Design charts!

Foundation readings are a beautiful starting point to understand and embody your unique cosmic blueprint.

Learn about your innate gifts, your greatest strengths, where you may experience your biggest challenges, and the lessons you came here to learn in this lifetime.  

Gain an understanding of how your body is designed to make decisions as well as how to move through the world in your highest alignment and authentic expression of self. 

The most common piece of feedback I receive from foundation reading clients is that learning about their Cosmic Codes is a massive permission slip to live life the way they know in their heart they are meant to live. And to be more able to discern between their true self and the false self conditioning they have taken on throughout their lives.

Knowing your Cosmic Codes can help you live your life with more ease, flow and self-trust. And from that place, know the positive impact only you can make when you move through life as your most authentic and individuated self, owning your unique gifts and sharing them with the world.

In this 60-minute 1:1 session, I will read the foundational Cosmic Codes written in your Astrology and Human Design charts, while giving you plenty of space to ask questions so that you leave with a clear understanding of all that is shared. 

Your reading can also be recorded for you to re-visit in the future so you don’t have to feel overwhelmed by the need to remember everything you learn. These sessions are jam-packed with empowering information you’ll want to dive into again and again!

$199 CAD



Cosmic Codes Synergy is a synthesis of your primary soul codes as written in your Human Design, Astrology and Gene Keys charts, plus intuitive guidance from the wise horse teachers I am honoured to be in partnership with.


+ An in-depth written report covering all of your Cosmic Codes

+ A 45-minute video recording synthesis of your codes, where they are found in your charts, and how you can embody them to your fullest potential

+ A Horse Wisdom video reading to support you in claiming and embodying your unique codes and medicine

+ A live 60-minute 1:1 Q+A call to ask your questions and leave the container with a solid understanding of your codes and how to integrate them into your life


Within 21 days of booking, you will receive a written report and video recording of the foundational Cosmic Codes written in your Human Design, Astrology and Gene Keys charts. 

You will also receive a recording of your Horse Wisdom reading to deepen your understanding of the unique medicine you hold as well as how to embody and express it in your life. It has been truly mind-blowing to witness how the horses support the clients who have been called into this container. There is an unexplainable alchemy that happens when the horses weave their wisdom into that of your Cosmic Codes. It is nothing short of magic!

Your live call will take place approximately one week after receiving your readings package. This is to ensure you have enough time to go through all aspects of your readings so we can get the most out of our 1:1 time together.

$599 CAD



Astrology is an ancient tool, mystical science, art form and language that has been practiced by humans for thousands of years. Astrology helps us understand ourselves and the world around us through charting the activity and alignments of the Earth’s celestial bodies, including planets, asteroids and stars, in relation to the Earth, each other, and their location within the zodiac.

Astrology is very much rooted in the ancient teaching: As above, so below. As within, so without.

I’ve been drawn to astrology since I was old enough to know what it is. In fact, I dreamed of becoming a professional astrologer before finally giving up that desire and attending years of formal post-secondary education. 

But astrology has an uncanny way of showing up in my life when I least expect it. While I don’t consciously make plans based on planetary placements, I so often learn that the events in my life inevitably connect to them. This is why when it comes to astrology you’ll so often hear me saying, “You can’t make this stuff up!”

While you likely know your Sun Sign, there are many other cosmic codes deeply woven into your chart! Astrology is an amazing tool that can point you to the foundational aspects of your most authentic self and soul-level desires.

Plus, it’s so much fun to learn about yourself from this cosmic perspective! 


Human Design is known as the science of differentiation. Much like astrology, your Human Design chart is calculated based on your birth time, date and location. 

Human Design charts are extremely complex with literally millions of potential variations. But the purpose of Human Design is not to make life more complicated, it’s actually meant to simplify your understanding of how your unique blueprint is designed to function. 

Human Design is all about embodied action––instead of allowing your not-self aspects to run your life, Human Design invites us back into our bodies where true wisdom lives.

Human Design can be thought of as your body’s operating manual. Each one of us is designed to move through life in our own unique way and Human Design has often been described by those who have experienced it as a permission slip to live the way they always knew was aligned for them.

If you are alive on this planet then you are surely no stranger to the very real experience of conditioning. From the moment we are born we are being conditioned by our parents, families, environment, the society we are raised in, the schools we attend, the activities and hobbies we partake in—literally everyone in our lives is conditioning us simply by being in their presence. 

Conditioning can be incredibly beneficial, specifically when we are in the presence of those who are operating correctly within their design. And I’m sure you’ve experience unhealthy conditioning when in the presence of those who live their lives through the dysfunctional patterns and unconscious behaviours of their not-selves. 

This is why Human Design often speaks to the importance of the deconditioning process. It is impossible to know oneself if you are living through the conditioning of others. And so learning your Human Design is a key to both the understanding of who you innately are and who you innately are not. 

I love Human Design for its ability to help me understand the people in my life, both personally and professionally.

It has led to greater harmony in my personal relationships and a deeper knowing of my clients, which allows me to support them in making decisions that are aligned for them.

No one can know what is aligned for you more accurately than you can. And Human Design is an incredible system and tool in supporting us to anchor into the wisdom that is always flowing through us.

I get so excited when I see Human Design playing out in real time through those I interact with. I literally get such a kick out of watching the different dynamics of people’s charts play together and complement one another. Witnessing Human Design at play in my own life is actually what made me a believer!

Which is why I’m so excited that in all of our Cosmic Codes readings you will learn the foundational aspects of your design and how to use that knowledge in a practical way every single day.

What are the Gene Keys?

The Gene Keys are described as a grand synthesis of practical wisdom to help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your true potential.

The Gene Keys can be found within your Human Design chart, but are also their own system of self-discovery. While there are 64 Gene Keys in total, each person has a hologenetic profile comprised of their 11 keys.

The primary differentiator of the Gene Keys from the other two systems is that they are most deeply understood through each person’s individual contemplation practice of how their Gene Keys are embodied throughout their lives. 

The Gene keys are really known through your lived experience of them. It’s as if the Gene Keys know themselves more fully as more and more people contemplate their embodiment of them. The deeper the contemplation, the more awareness is brought to each Gene Key on an individual and collective level.


Why work with horses in a Cosmic Codes reading?


They are able to see through our conditioning, our masks and our coping mechanisms. They see all aspects of us—where we are congruent and authentic, and where we are not—and reflect those truths back to us. 

Learning about our Cosmic Codes is informative, empowering and super fun! But if we’re not careful, these systems can also become a mental trap where we get caught in yet another prison of who we think we are ‘supposed’ to be. 

Horses are masters of embodiment, which is why they are so gifted at bringing us back into our bodies. They anchor us into the present moment. They hold up a mirror of our current state of being and what is needed for us to embody and integrate whatever we are working through. 

They remind us that we are worthy simply because we are alive and that our differences are what make up the magic of life. Spending time observing herd dynamics proves that horses not only embrace one another’s differences, they actually rely upon them for survival and harmony. 

Horses show us that owning our uniqueness means we are fulfilling the role that no one else can because it was designed specifically for us to embody and illuminate within the world. 

This is why Horse Wisdom is so complementary to the process of knowing our Cosmic Codes. Because while the codes remind us of who we are through connecting with our minds, horses offer us guidance on how to integrate and embody the wisdom written in our codes.

It’s time to claim your gifts and anchor into your highest potential by living your unique design. Book a session to learn your cosmic codes!